How to Overcome Google Drive Limit

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Have you ever experienced a Google Drive batas when you want to download a file, and are confused about how to overcome it? Of course annoying right?

This happens because too many users are accessing or downloading the file. Downloading files, of course, uses a info package, both from your side and from Google. In this case, it means that Google can lose if it continues to send large amounts of large data.

To avoid misuse, Google will lock the file for a certain amount of time before you can download it again.

But don't worry, this time RuangLaptop will share several ways to overcome the Google Drive limit. There are 3 ways, choose one:

  • By making duplicates
  • By changing the URL
  • With OkeDrive

By Making Duplicates

In principle, you will duplicate the file you want to download, then download the duplicate file. Here are the steps for making duplicate files on Google Drive:

  1. Open the URL of the file you want to download, then click the Google Drive logo in the top right corner. Add to my drive
  2. Wait, and the words Added to My Drive will appear. added to my drive
  3. Click My Drive in the left sidebar.
  4. The file you want to open will appear, then right-click on the file.
  5. Select Make a copy. Make a copy of the google drive file
  6. If the previous step is correct, there should be a new file named Copy of [FILE NAME].
  7. Done, all you have to do is enjoy the file or download it.

By Changing the URL

Apart from making duplicates, you can use the second method which is quite simple but requires a little precision. Here you will copy the file ID, then enter it into a new URL so you can download the file.

The following are the steps for downloading Google Drive files by changing the URL:

  1. Open the Google Drive file url you want to download.
  2. Every Google Drive file URL has an ID. Copy the file ID as shown below. Open the Google Drive link
  3. Change the URL to something like this:
  4. Replace "pastedhere" with the ID of the file you want to download.
  5. If you did the steps correctly, then the URL link should be like this: download
  6. Click enter then wait for the download process to finish.

With OkeDrive

If you are confused by the two methods above, there is still a final method that doesn't require you to be complicated. This third way is to use a third-party online info storage service, namely OkeDrive. Here are the steps.

  1. Open the Google Drive link that you want to download but is limited.
  2. Copy the link. Open the Google Drive link
  3. Open a new tab in the browser then go to the OkeDrive website at and enter the OkeDrive website
  4. Sign Up or Login using your Google account. Sign Up or Login using your Google account.
  5. Then a display like this will appear, but you don't need to worry because OkeDrive is quite safe to use. Click Advanced then click on Go to OkeDrive.OkeDrive is quite safe to use.
  6. OkeDrive will access your Google account and requires verification.
  7. Click Allow to continue to the next step. OkeDrive will access the Google account
  8. After successfully logging in to OkeDrive, click on the Upload Link at the top of the screen. Click on the upload file link
  9. After the Upload Link window opens, enter (paste) the URL of the file that you copied earlier. Enter the file
  10. If your steps are correct, a link will appear that you can find in the Download Link column.
  11. Click Download and wait for the download process to complete.

Well, it's quite easy, isn't it the way to overcome the Google Drive batas that we provide? With the tips above, it is hoped that your work or "business" will no longer be hampered.

All you have to do is try one by one of the three methods above and choose which one is the easiest and most successful. Good luck!